Welcome To Our Relaunched Website !

Moving the webnsite to a new platform is always a labour-intensive, nerve-wracking business. But hopefully you'll like the end result !

The reality is that doing the move is only a first step, the new platform has so much new functionality and exciting new tools to configure and learn how to use.

Inevitably there are downsides too, but they are mainly short-term transitional issues. The main thing to be aware of is that to protect your privacy neither old or new platform gives us any access to your passwords, which means you'll need to reset yours if you've got an account. The method is simple; click the "Sign in" button, then the "forgotten password" one. The system will send you a reset link to the email address you're registered with.

Some of the new things you will see right away include;

  • Loyalty points
  • When out of stock items are expected back in (we'll only add them where we know the suppliers have stock)
  • Product filters, to help you find the exact items you're looking for more easily.

There are plenty of things behind the scenes which will hopefully make us more efficient in processing your orders, but the ideal situation with those is that they are invisible when you're browsing our site and you just find we're giving you a better experience and better customer service.

Any feedback (good or bad) or suggestions for things we can add are very welcome !